Simplification, Mobile-ization, Evolution

Five Credit Union Website Trends for 2025

We build a lot of credit union websites, and we’ve been doing it for many years. This specialization gives us an unique perspective, and so we’re seeing some really interesting trends start to pop up. Here are the top five as we head into 2025.

1) Fewer pages

Our last several sites have launched with around 50 pages or fewer (not counting blog posts). This is a massive change; five or ten years ago, credit union websites were routinely 125 – 175 pages. In your members’ high-speed mobile-focused lives, they just don’t want or need to sift through massive amounts of content to get the answers they need. Focus, winnow, pare down, combine, summarize, and simplify; it’s what your members need. For example, you don’t need separate pages on debit cards or overdraft protection; put this info in a few bullet points on the checking page… and make it quick.

2) Simplification and Mobile-ization

It’s no secret that mobile has taken over the world; most CUs are at well over 50% mobile visitors on their websites. So we’re seeing credit union website designs and interfaces converge on a mobile-first or mobile-forward approach. For example, moving to mobile-style “hamburger” menus, eliminating sliders, and a massive move toward generally simplifying and removing clutter. Real estate on mobile screens is precious, and you can’t clutter it up with anything that’s not essential, or make members figure out two completely different interfaces. Focus on the main six questions members need to answer quickly.

3) Sharper analytics

As credit unions are starting to make better use of their masses of member and transaction data, we’re also seeing more interest in better website analytics through things like heat mapping, journey recording, internal search stats, testing, and better integration with apps, marketing, and advertising. For example, we’ve been experimenting with Microsoft’s new free Clarity behavior analytics tool, and the insights are very promising.

4) Evolution revolution

The best websites are never done, and we’re definitely seeing more interest over the last few years in continuously fine-tuning and evolving credit union websites. Your members, young and old, are expecting a lot more a lot faster these days, so make sure your website is built to handle continuous improvement, and stay attuned to what your members will want next

5) Real content for real people

Here’s a trend we love to see picking up speed; putting real answers to real questions from real members right there on your website. Here’s a more complete list of things that should be on your website (but probably aren’t). The idea is simple; answer common real questions in a simple, clear, judgement-free way on your website, right where members can find the answers and help themselves. For example, include a simple list of what to bring to open an account or apply for a loan. Or build a library of reliable info and resources for members who are struggling, even if they aren’t pleasant topics, like divorce or layoffs. 

Credit union websites are still weird

All the above said… the more things change, the more they remain the same. I wrote this article, entitled “Why credit union websites are weird” back in 2018, and every word is still true. People are still Googling your credit union, not your products, your website is still a tool, not a destination, and Google still doesn’t quite get you. 

If you’d like a website partner that truly understands credit unions (and embraces the weirdness), please get in touch!

Brian Wringer

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