There's no denying the power of cute

4 marketing tips from a 4-month-old

As mentioned in a recent blog post, I became a father pretty recently. And, well, this baby has been growing and changing quite a bit in the past few months. It turns out that I’ve learned a lot about babies that resonates with what I know about credit union marketing, and members. I’m definitely not…

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ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)

In Case You Missed It – 5.15.24

Surprising marketing missteps, why less delinquency is bad, some iDiz nostalgia, a WEE welcome, and a little bit of John Oliver. Here’s what we noticed, in case you missed it: What happens when a good apple goes bad? Ever since their iconic 1984 spot, most of us have been huge fans of Apple’s marketing, created…

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Up your email marketing game

Email Marketing – The Overwhelmed Marketer’s Guide (OMG!)

If marketing is part of your job, it’s almost a guarantee that you’re working with some kind of email marketing software. There’s also a good chance that someone other than yourself decided which platform to use, and at best you received a crash course in how it works. Let’s try to fix that. MailChimp, Constant…

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ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)

In Case You Missed It – 4.17.24

Emotionally-intelligent email. The value of negative feedback. Blue-collar Gen-Z. Free Fin-Ed content. How to describe your job, and some friendly advice about your eX. Here’s what we noticed, in case you missed it: Emotional Intelligence… in Email? You know how you just delete some promotional emails without even reading them? I recently got an email…

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If you can create a buzz, more people will pay attention.

It’s hard not to get caught up in a buzz that surrounds you.

The 2024 total solar eclipse happens Monday, and my hometown happens to be in the right place to see it all. It’s a big deal around here. Supposedly a “once-in-a-lifetime” experience* that we’ve been hearing about for the last few months now. Since this week was my turn to write a post for Shared iDiz,…

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Learn to love the human stories behind the numbers

CU Numbers Need Marketing Love, Too

Quick, what’s your CU’s current Net Worth/Total Assets ratio? How about Total Loans/Total Shares? What percentage of your members are borrowers? How do these compare to other CUs like yours? Where do you even find these numbers? Now go deeper… WHY are these numbers what they are? Where does your CEO want them to go?…

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ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)

In Case You Missed It – 3.20.24

We’re here with some FRESH takes from this week’s marketing conference! It literally just ended! We have insights about Financial education, marketing with data, using AI, setting a good marketing pace, junk fees and a surprisingly large fruit. Here’s what we noticed, in case you missed it: Junk fees are no joke The Biden administration…

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Solving the CU marketing “now what?” problem

Solving the CU marketing “now what?” problem

“Now that we have this spiffy new software/system/service/device, our troubles are over! With the click of a mouse, I’m a one-person data-driven automated digital marketing powerhouse. Let’s make it rain, baby!” Click… “Upload Content?” Now what? Sound familiar? This is what I call the “now what” problem. We all know that digital transformation, digital marketing,…

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24 tips for Monster Results in 2024

24 Tips for Monster Results in 2024 (Part 2)

The holidays are incredibly close, and many of us are finding out we just don’t have enough time! Me included, but I made you a promise last week and I plan to keep it. So, amidst the flurry of activity that everyone is dealing with this week, I bring you the second half of iDiz,…

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24 tips for Monster Results in 2024

24 Tips for Monster Results in 2024 (Part 1)

The holidays are almost upon us and if you’re like me, you don’t have time to write – I mean, uh, READ a long think-piece article today. You just want to work on your end-of-year projects between intense online gift-shopping sessions. Or maybe the other way around. Well worry not! I’m here to provide you…

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