ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)

In Case You Missed It – 2.5.25

Clear communication, visual data, Super Bowl Facts, automating finance and a breath of fresh air. Here’s what we noticed, in case you missed it. The wrong time to be silent. We wrote these posts a few years back and under different circumstances, but the advice has stayed fresh. When the world seems to be changing…

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The Overwhelmed Marketers Guide: Come out swinging in the new year.

OMG! The Overwhelmed Marketers Guide to Year-End

We’re only a few weeks from the end of the year, and the start of another. Here are five fast ways to make the most of the rest of this year and come out swinging in the new year! Make a list, check it twice This one’s pretty general, but overall review your list of…

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Start Credit Unions to Save Credit Unions

The CU De Novo Collective is a band of volunteers with two closely linked missions: help new credit unions get started, and help smaller credit unions survive and thrive. How did this get started, and how did we get to the point where the CU De Novo Collective Foundation is actually raising capital to start…

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Meatspace Feature

“Meatspace” is a CU superpower

We felt it was very appropriate to revive this article this week, as we are attending the Indiana Credit Union League (ICUL) conference the same day we send you this newsletter. See you there, Indiana Credit Unions! Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen a trend toward doing, well everything, online. There are a lot…

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There's no denying the power of cute

4 marketing tips from a 4-month-old

As mentioned in a recent blog post, I became a father pretty recently. And, well, this baby has been growing and changing quite a bit in the past few months. It turns out that I’ve learned a lot about babies that resonates with what I know about credit union marketing, and members. I’m definitely not…

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ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)

In Case You Missed It – 5.15.24

Surprising marketing missteps, why less delinquency is bad, some iDiz nostalgia, a WEE welcome, and a little bit of John Oliver. Here’s what we noticed, in case you missed it: What happens when a good apple goes bad? Ever since their iconic 1984 spot, most of us have been huge fans of Apple’s marketing, created…

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Does everything blend together and just…work?

Will it blend? The only CU fintech question that matters.

Quick, go search for something on your site. Now check online banking. Try opening an account. Set an appointment. Pay a bill. Ask the chatbot a question. Now apply for a loan. Take a look at the last few emails you got from your credit union.  Do these systems all look and feel and function…

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In Case You Missed It (v36)

We’re putting the personal in personal loans. We’re looking into the financial future. We’ve got a possible DLT credit union, the straight dope about Tech and all the stats on 2023. While you’re home for the holidays, we’re… also home for the holidays. Here’s what we’ve noticed, in case you missed it: The American Zeitgeist…

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Appeal to their desire to drive and influence change

How to make your credit union’s Board of Directors cool

We’ve seen a lot of conversation in the past few years about the member aging problem and its impact on the future of the credit union movement. Yes, it’s undeniably an obstacle, but more than a few credit unions could benefit from examining themselves, particularly the Board of Directors, along with their membership.  To put…

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First you need to create an on-ramp.

Why are our Board Members so Old?

Now that I’m on two Boards, I finally understand why there is so much gray hair on so many Board Member’s heads. They’re old. Like me. Not that gray hair is a negative. Because of my Dad’s mostly shiny dome, I’m just happy to have some hair up there, regardless of color. And there are…

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