Posts Tagged ‘credit union marketing’
OMG! Budget season is coming up!
You’re already juggling loan campaigns, maintaining a website, writing press releases, newsletters and emails, posting social media, designing posters and brochures, updating branch signage, planning your next community event, etc., etc. You know, those everyday expectations that keep you busily bouncing between tasks all day long. Then all of a sudden it’s Budget Season. As…
Read MoreHow to “do the right thing” without bragging
Credit unions are the perfect example of people banding together to solve a problem, and accomplishing more through cooperation. Since their beginnings in mid-1800s Europe, credit unions have embraced the values of “honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others.” Today’s credit unions continue to “give back” to their communities everyday – which is a…
Read MoreWhy you should offer “Furry Friend Savings” and “Vetmergency Loans”
We REALLY love our pets. Now I know that no one will be surprised by that statement. But I was a bit surprised to learn that there are over 65 million dogs and 46 million cats (not to mention 45M fish, birds, reptiles, horses and other small animals) currently adopted by humans. In fact, pets…
Read MoreHow to decide when to stop or push ahead
Marketing is an inexact process that sometimes takes a long time to pay dividends. Which might be why so many CFOs aren’t sure it’s worth the cost. Numbers People usually prefer to track a quick return on a specific investment, with digits they can show on a spreadsheet. But marketing isn’t accounting. That’s not to…
Read MoreMaking content to attract younger members
Whenever the question of how to reach new, young members comes up, you’ll see recommendations like, “Make relevant, valuable and authentic content that displays your values,” and you have to wonder what the writer thinks it actually means. Now, this is actually good advice, but it can feel incredibly generic. I know this because I’m…
Read MoreIs AI a good fit for credit union marketing?
AI (and AI marketing) is the brand-spanking-new tool that everyone seems to be excited about. If the internet is to be believed, it’s either a miraculous new tool that will save corporations BIG $$$, the end of artistic integrity and creativity as we know it, or both. But that’s kind of par for the course…
Read More3 superpowers of the Friendly Neighborhood Credit Union
When you think of ‘credit unions’, you might not immediately think of ‘superheroes.’ It might be difficult to imagine a superhero that would convincingly represent something like a credit union. People tend to be interested in superheroes that defeat supervillains and repel alien invasions, not ones that save people from high interest rates. But why…
Read MoreIs AI going to steal my job?
According to the internet, ChatGPT is the newest hot-topic artificial intelligence that’s apparently going to steal my job and take over the world! ARGH! I wanted to know more about this scourge upon humanity, so I turned to every millennial’s secret work weapon: Looking it up on Google. Despite the doomsayers, ChatGPT is just a…
Read MoreHow to hire marketers that get-stuff-done
You aren’t the only one having problems finding people with the right skills to fill open positions. Especially when you are trying to hire a marketing person. Which makes it even more frustrating when, for every new hire you finally land, someone else decides to leave. It feels like a never-ending battle to get-positions-filled in…
Read MoreWhat good is a marketing budget that never changes?
It’s budget season once again. Time to dust off last year’s marketing budget, tweak the product promotions to match what lending wants to focus on this year, push the numbers as much as you think you can get away with, turn it in and hope that it doesn’t get trimmed too far back. Sound about…
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