Public Speaking
Looking for someone to provide an interesting, thought-provoking, fresh, fun, and valuable presentation for your next meeting of the minds?
With decades of experience in creating leading-edge websites, digital and traditional media marketing, brands, and growth strategies for credit unions and other purpose-driven organizations, we're always ready to share.
We've previously presented on several topics, including branding and differentiation strategy, digital marketing, social media, analytics, website Accessibility, and more. If you have a theme for your conference, we'll be happy to make suggestions based on the latest thinking and what we've been hearing from our clients.

Need topic ideas?
Try our SharediDiz blog. With over a decade of blog posts, we've researched and written on just about every possible topic. Try a search above, and see if there's an idea in a blog post that might be ripe for further exploration.
Or explore a few hot topic areas below! We've linked to several articles and pages we'd be happy to expand into a killer presentation.
Brian Wringer
Former watermelon farmer Brian Wringer wears several hats for iDiz Incorporated, including VP Strategy, Web Projects Manager, Wordsmith, and all-around Big Idea Guy. He builds better credit unions by day and weird old motorcycles by night.
Brian's post-melon career path also includes plenty of crazy times and rock and roll, but he's made his home in the credit union world ever since college. Expect fast-paced, information-packed, and fascinating, whether we're talking big picture or technical detail.

Sam Dicken
Our captive Millennial, content manager and social media monkey, Sam spends his evenings teaching English and ESL as an adjunct professor at two local colleges. Please do not feed Sam after midnight.
See Sam's blog posts to delve into the Mind of Sam!

Let iDiz help make your event shine!
Just get in touch with our contact form, give us a call at 317.257.0000, or drop us an email!