ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)

In Case You Missed It – 2.5.25

Clear communication, visual data, Super Bowl Facts, automating finance and a breath of fresh air. Here’s what we noticed, in case you missed it.

The wrong time to be silent.

We wrote these posts a few years back and under different circumstances, but the advice has stayed fresh. When the world seems to be changing too quickly, credit unions can’t afford to leave members in the dark. Open communication is key, even if you don’t have all the answers. Also, don’t forget these situations are a great time to focus on what you can do now, and then what to do next.

Visuals make data easier to understand

Pitching a great idea with so much data that people look bewildered? That’s when a visual is going to be easier to understand than numbers. Want to show how people actually spend their money? What is the living wage for a family of four in each state? Or just curious whether your home state is one of the happiest states? Whether you borrow from a resource like Visual Capitalist or create your own, graphics help to make your presentation understandable.

Facts to impress everyone during the Super Bowl

There’s going to be lots of NFL coverage this week, but mostly about the Chiefs and Eagles. In case you want to impress the people you are sitting next to while watching the game, take a look at this news site’s collection of stories about the NFL. Did you know that the average value of a NFL team is worth over $5B? That a credit union has naming rights for the Washington Commanders stadium? Or that the US is #2 in total beer consumption around the world?

No es fácil

In case you need a little Purpose pick-me-up, here’s a strong dose to remind us of the power of credit unions and why they exist. This is a beautiful, touching, and deeply personal article from Yunis Nadal at SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union, called “No es fácil” (It’s not easy.) Don’t worry, it’s an easy quick read, and a breath of fresh air.

Is “Do it for me” automation the next big thing in finance?

Like all squishy organic beings, we’re sick to death of breathless AI hype, and the way “AI” seems to get stuffed into every tchotchke, whether it makes sense or not. However… this somewhat snarky article from the Financial Brand team, inspired by a trip to the gigantic Consumer Electronics Show (CES), may be a more realistic take on the next level of consumer automation, “do it for me”. Everything in personal finance is basically “DIY (Do It Yourself)” right now (a few things can be automated, if you’re savvy enough), but before long we’ll start seeing more and more advanced virtual agents that can do more complex things for us. Worth thinking about.

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