Do it yourself or call a pro?

When it’s time to DIY and when it’s time to call a pro

Credit Union Website Best Practices #4 When we launch a new credit union website, we make sure our clients have the tools and training to handle pretty much everything themselves. Blogging, updating rates, adding and managing pages, updating promotions, managing navigation, and generally keeping their site looking good and the content up to date are…

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24 tips for Monster Results in 2024

24 Tips for Monster Results in 2024 (Part 2)

The holidays are incredibly close, and many of us are finding out we just don’t have enough time! Me included, but I made you a promise last week and I plan to keep it. So, amidst the flurry of activity that everyone is dealing with this week, I bring you the second half of iDiz,…

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results can get eerie, uncanny, and downright bizarre.

The creepy side of web-crawling critters

‘Tis the season to be spooky, but don’t worry, this article doesn’t contain any actual spiders. Sorry to any arachnophile readers that got their hopes up.  Big data is a monumental and plentiful resource to be found among the mountains of the Internet, and there’s plenty of gold in them there hills if you’ve got…

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Iterate, evaluate, tinker, test, tweak, and try

Why credit union websites must be flexy and stretchy

When it’s time to build a new website for your credit union, what are you looking for? The longest list of features? An all-in-one, all-singing, all-dancing set of solutions to all your problems forever? Set it and forget it? Write a check and walk away? Or are you looking for a long-term relationship, a basis…

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It’s time to scrub that scruffy, crusty oldwebsite content

Cruft check: fast, easy credit union website cleanup

Hey, I get it; housekeeping is hard. But it’s still an important part of keeping your credit union’s website running smoothly. Every so often, it’s worth taking a few minutes to clean up link rot, scrub that scruffy, crusty old content, and throw out last year’s leftover rates. Here’s our easy, fun checklist to get…

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Is your website actually usable, or are you just used to it?

Do you have website blindness?

Is your website actually usable, or are you just used to it? If you’re working with your website frequently or even daily, you might feel like your website is truly, actually user-friendly. But the problem is, you’re too close to it. You might have website blindness. It’s easy for you to navigate a website when…

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When I say Abominable, I mean big, hairy, and out of control.

How to keep those winter Marketing Monsters from getting ABOMINABLE

During the winter months, it gets really easy to let things slide as you plan for warmer weather. Unfortunately, those Marketing Monsters aren’t waiting until spring comes to cause you problems. In fact, winter is usually when those problem monsters become Abominable. When I say Abominable, I mean big, hairy, and out of control. While…

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Pixels aren’t permanent ink; you can change anything at any time.

The best websites are never done

Once your credit union’s spiffy, super-fresh new website goes live, you can raise a toast and cross website stuff off your to-do list for a few years, right? Not so fast. A new website is only fresh for a brief moment in time. The world, your members, and what they want and need are constantly…

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