Quick wins CUs can get done NOW
There are times when you need a few quick wins. Whether it’s budget season, or there’s another review with your boss and you just need to get some results and look good. Maybe you still haven’t gotten that list of To-Dos done, much less hit all those goals! OMG!
It’s okay. Don’t panic. Simply take a long, deep breath, then let it out very slowly.
Then look through our list of Quick Wins – projects that you can get done NOW!
Get rolling with an auto loan refi promotion
When your CFO keeps commenting that your loan volume could really use a boost, and auto loans aren’t flying out the door like they used to, you might need to get creative.
So why not focus on auto loan refinancing, instead of promoting new and used car loans?
Refinancing auto loans is a great way to help out your members save a little more each month, and a great way to build your brand within your community. Especially when you can lower their interest rate or extend the term to lower those payments. And for those that can afford to bump up their payments slightly, be sure to show them how they could get that loan paid off sooner, to save even more money.
When you save people money, they will often tell their friends. So a refi campaign can also be a great way to get new members through your doors.
Blast off with a mortgage loan refi campaign
Whether the housing market is hitting the stratosphere or a lot more earth-bound, when things are uncertain a lot more people end up deciding to stay where they are. That’s why refinancing mortgage loans could be a great way to give your loan numbers a rocket boost.
When rates are low, just like with auto loan refis, you can help your current members save big $$$, and maybe even entice more new members to join your CU’s family.
Personal loans are your swiss army knife
Some CUs and a whole lot of members don’t realize how versatile a personal loan can be. When it comes right down to it, you can call a personal loan just about anything you want: a jet ski loan, a BBQ-pit loan, an e-bike loan, or even a man-cave loan!
Get creative with rebranding your loan campaigns, and you’ll be amazed the wide variety of loans people will want to take out. Just don’t forget to tell your loan officers to expect some weird questions.
Need help getting creative? Get help from some wacky, wonderful experts.
Show them the money
Nothing clicks like $aving dollar$. How about adding a custom refi calculator to your website to show your members just how much they can save by bringing their loan to you? Love those Quick Wins that keep on winning!
A website update in less time than you think
The past couple of years have proven just how important a website is for your business. It’s your business hub, your communications hub, and your showroom combined. It’s a digital branch that everyone visits.
Which means it needs to be updated regularly, and yours is past due.
But while updating or redesigning a website might feel like an immense project, it will likely come together more quickly than you might think. All you need are some helpful lists and advice. Get started now, and you could easily have a slick new website to roll out before you know it.
Start blogging with a bang
Upcoming holidays, life events and FAQs are all excellent opportunities to get the word out about financial topics. Now is the time to get that blog started, and create content that will give a jolt to your social media posts as well.
Get a jump start on this year’s big plans
If big changes are in the air, get started early so you’re not scrambling. For example, if your tired old brand needs a refresh before you roll out a new website, there’s no time like the present to get that ball rolling. Similarly, if something like a name change, charter change, merger, core conversion, or new technology is in the works, get your communication and rollout strategies in the bag before you’re juggling a pile of Summer projects.
What are you waiting for?
You still have time. And Quick Wins are even faster with some help. Contact us to get started!
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