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First you need to create an on-ramp.

Why are our Board Members so Old?

Now that I’m on two Boards, I finally understand why there is so much gray hair on so many Board Member’s heads. They’re old. Like me. Not that gray hair is a negative. Because of my Dad’s mostly shiny dome, I’m just happy to have some hair up there, regardless of color. And there are…

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What's on the minds of CU leaders right now?

Candid Conference Conversations

In the last month, I’ve been to two state credit union league conferences (the Virginia CU League‘s Growth Conference, and the Indiana CU League‘s Convention right here in Indianapolis). Wondering what’s on the minds of CU leaders right now? Fresh from the schmooze-a-thons, here’s a quick recap of some of the problems and solutions we…

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ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)

In Case You Missed It – 10.25.23

There are credit union monsters running amok! Monstrous mortgage payments, brainless budgeting, dreadful data sharing, hairy hacks and scary scams. For all things creepy, kooky, mysterious and spooky, here’s what we noticed, in case you missed it: We’re Haunting the ICUL convention this week! Stop by our booth at the Indiana Credit Union League’s Annual…

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results can get eerie, uncanny, and downright bizarre.

The creepy side of web-crawling critters

‘Tis the season to be spooky, but don’t worry, this article doesn’t contain any actual spiders. Sorry to any arachnophile readers that got their hopes up.  Big data is a monumental and plentiful resource to be found among the mountains of the Internet, and there’s plenty of gold in them there hills if you’ve got…

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First, you’ll need to listen, and be ready when…

How to break out of a loan rut

Deposits may be hot right now, but loans are still the primary income generators, not to mention membership and asset grow-ers, for credit unions. Plus, loans are a chance to be a part of your members’ significant life events. So loans are still worth talking about. Unfortunately, credit unions have mostly been marketing the same…

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This should be on everyone's radar

How credit unions fit into the digital marketplace

Most credit unions have a heartwarming story about putting cash into the communal cigar box. That mental image is great, and it resonates with people who want to be community-focused. But how many people under the age of 35 remember the last time they paid for something with cash? We’re living in a world where finance…

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ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)

In Case You Missed It (v34)

The power of local, how to use AI, the state of the Metaverse, getting samples of space rocks, fluctuating gravity and most unbelievable of all, annual reports can actually be interesting. Here’s what we noticed, in case you missed it: The extraordinary advantage of local In this article on the value of local institutions (financial…

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Iterate, evaluate, tinker, test, tweak, and try

Why credit union websites must be flexy and stretchy

When it’s time to build a new website for your credit union, what are you looking for? The longest list of features? An all-in-one, all-singing, all-dancing set of solutions to all your problems forever? Set it and forget it? Write a check and walk away? Or are you looking for a long-term relationship, a basis…

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If we want to still be around in the future, we need to let younger members shape that future.

Why you need fewer members who look like me

The median age in the US is 38.5. The average age of a credit union member is 53. That’s already a big gap. But when you realize that 68% of their “most loyal” CU members are older than 65, suddenly that age gap feels even bigger. (No wonder so many credit unions are beginning to…

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What do people really say about your CU?

3 steps to change what people say about your CU

We know credit unions to be helpful, community-oriented and compassionate. We know they keep their members’ financial interests close to their hearts. But what do people really say about your CU? A lot of people (and I mean A LOT) have largely experienced financial services as punishment, as trauma. And they feel this way for the…

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