100% member owned

FREE ICON: 100% Member Owned

Last week I saw a semi-trailer emblazoned with a company logo and the words “100% Employee Owned” underneath, and I thought it was a great way to differentiate their company from all of the others. Then I started wondering why credit unions don’t say something similar. After all, CU members are the owners of their…

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Sometimes a marketing opportunity pops up that is too good to ignore.

When opportunity pops up

Marketers with experience know that you can’t reach every demographic with a single campaign. They also know that when you have a limited budget, it’s better to focus on key target audiences in order to get the results that are needed. But sometimes a larger marketing opportunity pops up that is too good to ignore.…

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The actions you take now have the potential to redefine your credit union.

How is a credit union supposed to respond to current events?

How is a credit union supposed to respond to current events? Now, I know that most credit union CEOs and Boards typically don’t respond to current events. But these issues are not going away any time soon, and how you respond today will affect how your credit union is perceived by the members you need to stay viable in the future.

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No one wants to make a mistake when there is a lot at stake.

How credit unions can avoid Analysis Paralysis

Have you ever been part of a group that has come up with so many options that the only decision has been to not make a decision? Or where someone is so convinced that there is a perfect solution still out there, that the fear of making the wrong decision has everyone overanalyzing and overthinking…

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Focus on the win

What to do NEXT

NOW that you have had the chance to rethink, reorganize and re-prioritize, the next step to take is to decide what to do NEXT. Of course, what you do next will depend a lot on what the economy does. Depending upon which “expert” you listen to, the economy will likely mimic one of two classic…

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This is a chance to do things NOW that will set you up for what's NEXT

What you can do NOW

LimboLand. The never-ending CoronaVirus Vocation Vacation. Whatever you call it, we’ve all had to do a lot of adjusting to our shared New Reality. Some of us have adapted well. Others, well, not so much. But if you look at it in a certain way, you just may start to see this as an amazing…

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The human brain is complex.

What part of your brain are you listening to these days?

The last few weeks have been rough on some people, while others seem to be taking it stride. For every person that is reasonably keeping a social distance, wearing a mask while out in public, or having their groceries delivered, there’s another person flouting the guidelines and loudly complaining that they can’t go out to…

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You need A Big Idea. A Better Idea.

Do you know where your ideas are?

It’s time for a new loan promotion, and you need A Big Idea. A Better Idea, a capital-I IDEA that gets better results than last time. Something new, something fresh, that gets members’ attention. Something that helps them think about possibilities, then take action. So why is your notepad still mostly blank except for a…

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what a toddler can teach you.

You might be surprised by what a toddler can teach you

There are certain things that bum me out. Gray skies. Drizzly rain that can’t quite make up its mind to turn to snow. The end of football season. Add in the realization that election year posturing and partisanship is just getting started, and I find myself wanting to go to my happy place. Which is…

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MX is the new brand marketing

Why are you paying attention to everything but MX?

For an industry based on the idea of People Helping People, why aren’t more credit unions laser-focused on Member Experience (MX)? Don’t they know that all those little annoyances add up? Aren’t fewer hassles supposed to be a CU advantage over banks? For example, my CU apparently decided to switch service providers that track whether…

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