You don't need fancy cameras & microphones

5 tips to make video content your members will vibe with

Being in the marketing department means you know how to do video content, right? I mean, those kids on TikTok do it, so how hard can it be? Well, it’s true that it’s easier than ever to make content. But having access doesn’t necessarily mean it’s easy. Those TikTok content creators? They make these little…

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This ain't your granny's marketing

3 questions to help you maximize your social media marketing

A lot of people are treating social media marketing exactly like every other type of marketing. They think that if they put an ad on a social media platform, people will just show up. “If you build it, they will come” and all that. But you’re not Kevin Costner, and this ain’t your granny’s marketing.…

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TikTok Granny

Your Granny’s on TikTok. Oh my!

When TikTok got started, it was generally a kid’s platform. It was the home of lip-syncing, dancing, and general antics. As a result, most of its user base was in the under 20 demographic.  Fast forward to 2022, and things have changed.  Pew Research Center’s survey of adults from 2012-to 2021 showed that 40% of the…

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ICYMI: In Case You Missed It

In case you missed it (v13)

Green loans and the potential harm of AI decisions. Faux holidays and the end of the 40-hour work week. Here are the items that caught our eye, in case you missed it: Not Just a Nerd Fight Timnit Gebru is an AI researcher delving into the issue of the harm AI can do to marginalized…

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three byte-sized lessons from a supersized campaign

Fresh, never frozen lessons from Wendy’s marketing

Wendy’s digital marketing team has always been impressively in-tune with what the internet likes. They’ve long since become well-known for roasting people on Twitter, and to top it off? They’re actually funny. More recently they’ve launched their “Super Wendy’s World” campaign to target gamers, and with the size of the industry it’s easy to see…

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When I say Abominable, I mean big, hairy, and out of control.

How to keep those winter Marketing Monsters from getting ABOMINABLE

During the winter months, it gets really easy to let things slide as you plan for warmer weather. Unfortunately, those Marketing Monsters aren’t waiting until spring comes to cause you problems. In fact, winter is usually when those problem monsters become Abominable. When I say Abominable, I mean big, hairy, and out of control. While…

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You still have time. What are you waiting for?

Quick wins CUs can get done NOW

There are times when you need a few quick wins. Whether it’s budget season, or there’s another review with your boss and you just need to get some results and look good. Maybe you still haven’t gotten that list of To-Dos done, much less hit all those goals! OMG! It’s okay. Don’t panic. Simply take…

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It's always hungry, always screaming for more, MORE, MORE!

Feeding the Social Media Content Beast

It’s always hungry, always screaming for more, MORE MORE! The Social Media Beast craves a constant stream of tasty snack-size content, and it’s insatiable. Here’s how harried credit union marketers can keep this ravenous critter happy while keeping their sanity. Repurpose, recycle, and repeat The first rule of content cookery is to make the most…

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ICYMI: In Case You Missed It

In case you missed it (v10)

The secrets of top designers. What drives millennials and gen-z away. Some really ugly logos. Here’s what we’ve seen recently that you may have missed: Everything is made up (and 29 other designer secrets.) Be a sponge. Emotions matter. Embrace your harshest critics. Everything is made up: “Every language ever spoken…Olympic games…Smart phones…Pizza…Ice cream…Google! Everything…

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There's a lot you can learn from the haters, the not-so-greaters, and the merely lukewarm. And you can use these lessons to spark joy in the people you can delight. Grumps are a great source of valuable market research.

Learn to love your haters

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but… not everyone is five stars, A++++, bonkers crazy in love with your credit union. No matter how awesome you are, not everyone will agree. But here’s the good news: that’s OK. Really. There’s a lot you can learn from the haters, the not-so-greaters, and the…

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