young people aren’t a monolith

Three young members you can help in 2025

Each year the Member Aging monster has been getting bigger and meaner for credit unions across the county. Why? Because as the average age of a credit union member rises, CUs tend to become increasingly out of touch with younger members. It doesn’t help that when we discuss young credit union members, we tend to…

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Your website does a lot of work for you.

Have you thanked your website lately?

Right around Thanksgiving there’s a lot of talk about what people are thankful for. The old standbys like Love, Family and Good Fortune are all well and good, but there’s something that a lot of credit union marketers might have forgotten to show their appreciation for. What I mean is, your website does a lot…

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Access looks different for each individual

Do your members have the access they need?

With how laser-focused we are on credit union marketing and websites, our blog will often touch on topics such as SEO and creating a marketing flow. But today I’m not thinking about topics such as website accessibility, but about actual human access. And by “access” I mean, can people get to where they need to…

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OMG! 5 tips to make video content your members will vibe with

Working in the marketing department means you know how to do video content, right? I mean, those kids on TikTok do it, so how hard can it be? Well, it’s true that it’s easier than ever to make content. But having access doesn’t necessarily mean it’s easy. Those TikTok content creators? They make videos every…

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Immediately useful tips to improve your CU website today

10 things that need to be on your website (but probably aren’t)

We’ve built websites for credit unions for a long time, so we have a lot to say about them. One of our most-used talking points is, “Credit union websites are weird.” (In our line of business being weird is a good thing, so don’t overthink it.) People that visit a credit union website don’t have…

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There's no denying the power of cute

4 marketing tips from a 4-month-old

As mentioned in a recent blog post, I became a father pretty recently. And, well, this baby has been growing and changing quite a bit in the past few months. It turns out that I’ve learned a lot about babies that resonates with what I know about credit union marketing, and members. I’m definitely not…

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Up your email marketing game

Email Marketing – The Overwhelmed Marketer’s Guide (OMG!)

If marketing is part of your job, it’s almost a guarantee that you’re working with some kind of email marketing software. There’s also a good chance that someone other than yourself decided which platform to use, and at best you received a crash course in how it works. Let’s try to fix that. MailChimp, Constant…

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how do you get new members to google you?

How do you get new members to Google you?

Note: this post isn’t going to be about the “secrets” of SEO (although that probably would make a good topic for another post.) We aren’t going to spend time talking about keywords, inside and outside links, etc. It also isn’t going to be a post about what might be wrong with your website. This post…

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3 big money questions from a new father

2024 has already been a crazy year, or maybe that’s just because I’ve spent most of it as a brand-new, first-time-ever Dad. Yes, parenthood is wonderful, watching my daughter grow and change is breathtaking, and I really, REALLY miss getting a full night of sleep. But this article isn’t about that. Instead of talking about…

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24 tips for Monster Results in 2024

24 Tips for Monster Results in 2024 (Part 2)

The holidays are incredibly close, and many of us are finding out we just don’t have enough time! Me included, but I made you a promise last week and I plan to keep it. So, amidst the flurry of activity that everyone is dealing with this week, I bring you the second half of iDiz,…

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