Immediately useful tips to improve your CU website today

10 things that need to be on your website (but probably aren’t)

We’ve built websites for credit unions for a long time, so we have a lot to say about them. One of our most-used talking points is, “Credit union websites are weird.” (In our line of business being weird is a good thing, so don’t overthink it.) People that visit a credit union website don’t have…

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how do you get new members to google you?

How do you get new members to Google you?

Note: this post isn’t going to be about the “secrets” of SEO (although that probably would make a good topic for another post.) We aren’t going to spend time talking about keywords, inside and outside links, etc. It also isn’t going to be a post about what might be wrong with your website. This post…

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Focus on what real people really want

Real SEO for credit union websites starts with real people

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most mysterious and misunderstood terms in the world of credit union websites. The standard “SEO tactics” that might work for sites selling shoes or smoothie recipes (stuff like excessive repetition, rephrasing, padding, keyword stuffing, title and meta tag blather, even more repetition, etc.) will probably just annoy…

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Which of these are the biggest?

Help us pick the biggest turkey

Hey, it’s a holiday week, so we decided to focus on the one thing that everyone seems to be worried about. How big of a turkey do you really need, and which of these are the biggest? Leave a comment to vote on your favorite! Is over-optimized SEO the biggest turkey? There’s something ironic about…

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results can get eerie, uncanny, and downright bizarre.

The creepy side of web-crawling critters

‘Tis the season to be spooky, but don’t worry, this article doesn’t contain any actual spiders. Sorry to any arachnophile readers that got their hopes up.  Big data is a monumental and plentiful resource to be found among the mountains of the Internet, and there’s plenty of gold in them there hills if you’ve got…

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ICYMI: In case you missed it

In Case You Missed It (v15)

Young professionals aren’t the only ones job-hopping more often. Actual proof that marketing actually works. E-Z SEO and cookie-less analytics. Plus a brilliant name for a sperm collection company! Here are the items that caught our eye, in case you missed it: The non-stop job-hop bebop Young professionals are job-hopping at an ever-increasing rate. According…

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Google Search Console gives you data on search performance.

Credit Union Website Analytics: Google Search Console

As I’ve said many times, Credit Union websites are weird. They don’t follow the same sorts of rules as other types of websites, so it can be tough to interpret your data. What’s normal or abnormal? What should your goals be, and where can you make a difference?  Fortunately, we’ve built lots of credit union…

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