Time to snuggle up to a warm screen and do a little mouse-driven maintenance

Five Fun Winter Website Projects for CU Marketers

I’m a dedicated motorcyclist, so winters are the time when I catch up on all the home and garage projects I neglected in warmer weather. As it turns out, I’m out of moto-projects right now. My bikes are all running great, and I organized all my tools and spare parts last winter. So this winter…

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Pixels aren’t permanent ink; you can change anything at any time.

The best websites are never done

Once your credit union’s spiffy, super-fresh new website goes live, you can raise a toast and cross website stuff off your to-do list for a few years, right? Not so fast. A new website is only fresh for a brief moment in time. The world, your members, and what they want and need are constantly…

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ICYMI: In case you missed it

In case you missed it (Vol 8)

ICYMI: CUs either merging or buying banks, transparency that builds trust, and ideas you need to borrow. Here’s what we’ve seen recently that you may have missed: According to the media, CUs are crazily merging… So far there have been 74 mergers of CUs in 2021, which if it continues at that pace will break…

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Attracting & retaining high-quality employees is part of your job as a marketer.

HR needs marketing and brand love, too.

Obviously your job as a Masterful Marketing Maven and Boffo Brand Boss is to bring in those new members and pump up those loan and deposit numbers. Staffing isn’t anywhere near your wheelhouse, so it’s best to leave all of that up to those Human Resources folks at the other end of the hall –…

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A CUSO is a different kind of critter, sometimes very different

CUSOs need marketing love, too

CUSOs (Credit Union Service Organizations) can be a fantastic way for credit unions and groups of credit unions to better serve members and nonmembers, generate income, collaborate with and serve other credit unions, and meet all sorts of needs. There’s an endless variety of CUSOs out there, and the number is growing, even as credit…

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ICYMI: In case you missed it

In Case You Missed It (Vol 4)

In Case You Missed It is our way of cutting down on those “Did you see this?!” emails that we kept sending each other. Instead, we’re sharing the best of these tidbits and insights with all of you. If you like this kind of thing (or don’t), feel free to let us know or join the conversation. In the meantime,…

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The best advertising is done by satisfied customers

Word-of-mouth referrals are the best marketing tool.

My dad wasn’t exactly all that handy in the area of home projects when I was younger. In his defense, though, he had no internet, YouTube, or Google to lean on back then. So, when he started a home project, there was a high degree of probability that he’d need help to finish the job…

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ICYMI: In case you missed it

In Case You Missed It (Vol 3)

We recently decided to stop sending each other “Did you see this?!” emails, and start sharing them with all of you, just ICYMI. If you like this kind of thing (or don’t), feel free to let us know or join the conversation. In the meantime, here’s what we’ve seen lately: Want an honest, if inebriated, opinion of your…

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marketing must be a core component of planning any merger.

CU mergers need marketing love, too

Even the smoothest credit union merger is a whirlwind of details. Of course, making sure the accounts transition smoothly is job #1, but merger partners also have to pay close attention to personnel, cultures, regulatory requirements and all the rest. No wonder it’s so easy to forget something very important – your members. Communicating with…

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Every CU (especially smaller CUs) should have a CMO

Credit Union CEOs need CMOs ASAP & PDQ

One of the great things about working with credit unions of every size all over the country is that they’re all so different. Every CU has its own interesting culture and unique way of doing things. And one of those very telling differences is the role of marketing in the organizational chart. What’s the title…

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