Make it about more than rates, and they’ll be happy to switch

Five tips for credit union deposit marketing

Things are, well, pretty wacky out there in the US and world economy. Loan growth has been strong this year, surprisingly strong, and at many credit unions loans are starting to outgrow deposits for the first time in a few years. And so now, with inflation, general uncertainty, and rising rates on people’s minds, some credit unions are…

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TikTok Granny

Your Granny’s on TikTok. Oh my!

When TikTok got started, it was generally a kid’s platform. It was the home of lip-syncing, dancing, and general antics. As a result, most of its user base was in the under 20 demographic.  Fast forward to 2022, and things have changed.  Pew Research Center’s survey of adults from 2012-to 2021 showed that 40% of the…

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Don't be afraid to show off a little pizazz

Five Ways You’re Losing Car Loans

I don’t need a crystal ball to predict that your credit union needs to make more loans. And of course that means good ol’ auto loans, mostly used car loans. Free of charge, we’ll share five things you’re probably doing wrong with your car loan products, your member experience, and your auto loan marketing (just…

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credit union people are a pretty amazing bunch

CUDE training and my credit union adventure

I’m an avid motorcyclist, and like anything involving high level skill, part of the fun is constant improvement. Whether I’m riding the same old seven miles to the office, romping through the curvy roads in southern Indiana and Kentucky, or seeking out the most primitive dirt roads I can find, there’s something to learn from…

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ICYMI: In case you missed it

In case you missed it (Vol 7)

RTO Mortgages, UPLs, AIO for EVs, and the beginning of the end of NSF fees? ICYMI is our way of sharing “Did you see this?!” news and tidbits, just in case you missed it. (And yes, we do try to spell out the acronyms.) Branches still matter Alaska USA FCU’s new branch is in North…

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ICYMI: In case you missed it

In Case You Missed It (Vol 6)

Mergers are up. Good guys crashed a non-profit’s website. CUs that are actually serving the underserved and cutting back on NSF fees. ICYMI is our way of sharing the best of those “Did you see this?!” news and tidbits that we usually send to each other, and here’s what we’ve seen lately: A great start…

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ICYMI: In Case You Missed It

In Case You Missed It (Vol 5)

ICYMI is our way of sharing the best of those “Did you see this?!” news and tidbits that we usually send to each other. If you like this kind of thing (or don’t), feel free to let us know or join the conversation. In the meantime, here’s what we’ve seen lately: CEOs are getting younger every year Cross a lemonade…

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Lazy marketing for recreation loans tends to lump everything together

Boats Aren’t Motorcycles

As a marketer, you can slap an image of a car or a house on your ad for an auto loan or a home loan and most people will get it. But what if you want to offer loans for boats, RVs, ATVs and UTVs, electric bikes, snowmobiles or jet skis? And what do you…

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“We’re just here for the low rate, thanks.”

Indirect auto loans need CU marketing love, too

Indirect auto loans are a sticky issue at a lot of credit unions. Folks you might not ever see in person get their car loan, pay it off in a few years, and then leave without opening a checking account, a credit card, or even stopping by a branch to try your custom roasted coffee.…

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Is your credit union trustworthy?

Building trust helps business. In fact, many consumers will overlook higher costs if they think they can trust you.  With large tech companies’ identity theft and data breaches uncomfortably too common lately, faith in online business has taken a beating. Savvy credit unions should see this as an opportunity to stand out. By taking the…

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