You can do anything, but what should you do?

3 ways to get BIG results from your tiny social media budget

It seems like budget is the Achilles’ heel of social media managers, regardless of industry. In my experience, this is equally true at credit unions. The reality is that your social media budget has to compete with the rest of your marketing goals, and might get ignored as a result.  The good news is that…

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You don't need fancy cameras & microphones

5 tips to make video content your members will vibe with

Being in the marketing department means you know how to do video content, right? I mean, those kids on TikTok do it, so how hard can it be? Well, it’s true that it’s easier than ever to make content. But having access doesn’t necessarily mean it’s easy. Those TikTok content creators? They make these little…

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ICYMI: In case you missed it

In Case You Missed It (v22)

Calling out crypto clumsiness. An anxiety-inducing accounting of ants. Necessarily nuanced nudging. A realistic range of representation. The sale and safeguarding of Stonehenge. Vader’s voice virtualized. Here’s what we noticed, in case you missed it: Calling out the elephants in the crypto room… Even for the most dedicated fan of cryptocurrencies, there are some enormous…

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Make it about more than rates, and they’ll be happy to switch

Five tips for credit union deposit marketing

Things are, well, pretty wacky out there in the US and world economy. Loan growth has been strong this year, surprisingly strong, and at many credit unions loans are starting to outgrow deposits for the first time in a few years. And so now, with inflation, general uncertainty, and rising rates on people’s minds, some credit unions are…

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Marketing is all about understanding people different than yourself

What credit unions can do when the aliens land

Let’s face it – “disaster planning” is kind of, well, depressing. The last few decades have been a little too full of “once in a lifetime” events. So how can a CU marketer stay flexible, stay loose, and plan for the unplanned? Aliens, that’s how. No, seriously. Aliens. Bear with me — there are some…

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we can’t wait to start trading Bitcoins with our Vulcan allies

A second look at CU science fiction

Many years ago we wrote a post called “Credit Union Science Fiction” as an attempt at looking into the future. It was a fun, funky mental exercise that let us flex those precognitive muscles a little bit. After all, making predictions and planning for the future is an important part of every marketing strategy. We…

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So why are credit unions staying quiet about this?

3 reasons why your CU should be promoting sustainability

For an unfortunate number of people, sustainability is just another buzzword. Like “Organic” or “Eco-Friendly,” it’s just a bit of hippie dippy hooey that businesses pay lip-service to for PR reasons. In other words, it’s just a Marketing thing. Well I think that attitude is not just sad, but frustrating. It’s outright bogus and not…

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three byte-sized lessons from a supersized campaign

Fresh, never frozen lessons from Wendy’s marketing

Wendy’s digital marketing team has always been impressively in-tune with what the internet likes. They’ve long since become well-known for roasting people on Twitter, and to top it off? They’re actually funny. More recently they’ve launched their “Super Wendy’s World” campaign to target gamers, and with the size of the industry it’s easy to see…

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When I say Abominable, I mean big, hairy, and out of control.

How to keep those winter Marketing Monsters from getting ABOMINABLE

During the winter months, it gets really easy to let things slide as you plan for warmer weather. Unfortunately, those Marketing Monsters aren’t waiting until spring comes to cause you problems. In fact, winter is usually when those problem monsters become Abominable. When I say Abominable, I mean big, hairy, and out of control. While…

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Creativity is intelligence having fun.

Four things to try when you have no idea what to do next.

Staring at a blank piece of paper. Stuttering to a stop halfway into a project, not knowing how to keep it moving. Hitting a dead end that you didn’t see coming. We’ve all experienced that stomach knot of panic when you have no idea what to do next. Lucky for us there are at least…

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