Set yourself up for success in the new year!

Four ways CU marketers can kick-start 2024

The holidays are finally behind us, and so it’s time for credit union marketers to relax and settle right back into that comfortable post-holiday routine, right? Well… sort of. Here’s how to kick off the new year in style – and make sure you get a head start on blowing those 2024 project goals out…

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Focus on what real people really want

Real SEO for credit union websites starts with real people

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most mysterious and misunderstood terms in the world of credit union websites. The standard “SEO tactics” that might work for sites selling shoes or smoothie recipes (stuff like excessive repetition, rephrasing, padding, keyword stuffing, title and meta tag blather, even more repetition, etc.) will probably just annoy…

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results can get eerie, uncanny, and downright bizarre.

The creepy side of web-crawling critters

‘Tis the season to be spooky, but don’t worry, this article doesn’t contain any actual spiders. Sorry to any arachnophile readers that got their hopes up.  Big data is a monumental and plentiful resource to be found among the mountains of the Internet, and there’s plenty of gold in them there hills if you’ve got…

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Iterate, evaluate, tinker, test, tweak, and try

Why credit union websites must be flexy and stretchy

When it’s time to build a new website for your credit union, what are you looking for? The longest list of features? An all-in-one, all-singing, all-dancing set of solutions to all your problems forever? Set it and forget it? Write a check and walk away? Or are you looking for a long-term relationship, a basis…

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Good Accessibility is good usability

Fixing the Top Five Accessibility Mistakes on Social Media

Sure, your website has great Accessibility, and you check up on it regularly to keep your site up to snuff. But what about the rest of your online presence?  The bad news is, a lot of credit unions aren’t paying attention to Accessibility on Social Media, and routinely post content that a significant portion of…

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Tell 'em iDiz Inc sent ya!

CU Conference Shout-Outs

The “sixth principle” of credit unions is cooperation among cooperatives. And we feel a similar spirit should apply to those of us who serve the credit union movement. Here are just a few quick shout-outs to just a few of the innovative companies and CUSOs we’ve seen at NACUSO in Las Vegas in April, and…

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The "Gee Whiz" factor only goes so far.

New CU tech needs Marketing love, too

Woohoo! Your shiny brand-new website, online banking, mobile banking app, P2P payments platform, fribbert cromulator, or all the above is ready to rock! All your need to do is shut down the old one, flip a few switches here and there, and your members will love it! They’ll flock to download the apps, and no…

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It’s time to scrub that scruffy, crusty oldwebsite content

Cruft check: fast, easy credit union website cleanup

Hey, I get it; housekeeping is hard. But it’s still an important part of keeping your credit union’s website running smoothly. Every so often, it’s worth taking a few minutes to clean up link rot, scrub that scruffy, crusty old content, and throw out last year’s leftover rates. Here’s our easy, fun checklist to get…

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Set yourself up for success in the new year!

Five things CU marketers can get done before 2023

2023 is right around the corner! Everyone’s putting down their hot chocolate and getting out of the holiday mood, and so it’s time for credit union marketers to relax a bit, right? Well… sort of. With just a little time and effort before we hit January whirlwind, you can get a fresh start on 2023,…

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Your website does a lot of work for you.

Have you thanked your website lately?

Right around Thanksgiving there’s a lot of talk about what people are thankful for. The old standbys like Love, Family and Good Fortune are all well and good, but there’s something that a lot of credit union marketers might have forgotten to show their appreciation for. What I mean is, your website does a lot…

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