Do it yourself or call a pro?

When it’s time to DIY and when it’s time to call a pro

Credit Union Website Best Practices #4 When we launch a new credit union website, we make sure our clients have the tools and training to handle pretty much everything themselves. Blogging, updating rates, adding and managing pages, updating promotions, managing navigation, and generally keeping their site looking good and the content up to date are…

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Immediately useful tips to improve your CU website today

10 things that need to be on your website (but probably aren’t)

We’ve built websites for credit unions for a long time, so we have a lot to say about them. One of our most-used talking points is, “Credit union websites are weird.” (In our line of business being weird is a good thing, so don’t overthink it.) People that visit a credit union website don’t have…

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Credit Union Website Best Practices #2: Simplicity

Welcome to a new series from iDiz, Inc., “Credit Union Website Best Practices” where we’ll share up to the minute details of what we’ve learned and what we’re still learning about building credit union websites.  Credit union websites are about utility, not entertainment – people visit your site to solve a problem, get information, or…

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Internal search is a huge advantage

Credit Union Website Best Practices #1: Internal Search

Welcome to the first in a new series from iDiz, Inc., “Credit Union Website Best Practices” where we’ll share up to the minute details of what we’ve learned about building credit union websites.  Today, we’re discussing internal search, the search engine built into your site (not external search engines like Google or Bing). A search…

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It’s time to scrub that scruffy, crusty oldwebsite content

Cruft check: fast, easy credit union website cleanup

Hey, I get it; housekeeping is hard. But it’s still an important part of keeping your credit union’s website running smoothly. Every so often, it’s worth taking a few minutes to clean up link rot, scrub that scruffy, crusty old content, and throw out last year’s leftover rates. Here’s our easy, fun checklist to get…

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you need to pick and choose the metrics that apply

What GA4 means to CUs

If you deal with your credit union’s website Analytics, you’ve probably heard some buzz about Google Analytics 4, known as “GA4” by all the cool kids. GA4 is certainly an improvement over the older versions of Google Analytics in many ways, but it is very different. Here are some of the things credit unions need…

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The best advertising is done by satisfied customers

Word-of-mouth referrals are the best marketing tool.

My dad wasn’t exactly all that handy in the area of home projects when I was younger. In his defense, though, he had no internet, YouTube, or Google to lean on back then. So, when he started a home project, there was a high degree of probability that he’d need help to finish the job…

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Google Search Console gives you data on search performance.

Credit Union Website Analytics: Google Search Console

As I’ve said many times, Credit Union websites are weird. They don’t follow the same sorts of rules as other types of websites, so it can be tough to interpret your data. What’s normal or abnormal? What should your goals be, and where can you make a difference?  Fortunately, we’ve built lots of credit union…

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Video is about connecting humans to humans (or funny cats).

Ten fast video content ideas for credit unions

Everyone knows that video content is the most engaging by far on websites and social media. That goes double when branch access is restricted, and people are depending heavily on online access. Of course, credit union products and services are a little abstract, so it can be hard to figure what’s interesting and engaging. Here…

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Credit unions can be far more efficient if they replace paper forms with online forms.

How to add secure forms to your credit union website

One of the more common questions we get from our credit union website clients is “how can we put secure forms on our website?” Credit unions can be far more efficient if they replace paper forms and processes with online forms. And of course, no-contact member service is a lot safer all around if you…

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